Agreement with:

The Dartington Recreation Association, (DRA) registered Charity No. 1168817 Registered Office: Meadowbrook Community Centre, Shinners Bridge, Dartington, Totnes TQ9 6SD

COVID Requirements:

The Hirer shall adhere to all COVID regulations that are in place at the time of hire

DRA shall be responsible for:

Any unforeseen problems relating to the area on Hire. The DRA must be informed as soon as possible.

Booking times:

The rooms are available for hire 8am-11pm each day. 

Time booked must include any time required to set-up and pack down. The hirer will have access to the space from the start time and the room must be vacant at the end time. 

The Hirer shall be responsible for:

Health and Safety relating to the use of facilities.

Risk assessment relating to the use of the facilities.

Appropriate insurance cover reflecting the nature and risk level of the activities.

Providing any medical attention for any persons under their care during the hire.

Ensuring that the facilities are kept clean and tidy and left in a condition ready for the next user. All rubbish to be removed by the Hirer.

Payment and cancellation:

Payment is required in advance.

For repeat Hirers an invoice will be issued on a monthly basis.

A minimum of 24 hours notice is required to cancel a booking, otherwise the agreed booking fee will be charged.

Nuisance / Code of Conduct:

The Hirer will be responsible for the conduct and behaviour on site.

The Hirer shall not exercise the rights granted in such a way as to permit anything, which in the opinion of the DRA, may cause a nuisance or unreasonable annoyance or inconvenience to the DRA, its other users or the owners, occupiers or visitors of any of the adjoining areas or neighbouring property.


The Hirer agrees to reimburse the DRA the cost of any repairs or reinstatement required to the facilities or any other property belonging to the DRA, caused by the Hirer or person under their care.

Fire Risk

All means of exit from the premises must be kept free from obstruction at all times.

The hirer must ensure that highly flammable substances are not brought into, or used in any part of the premises. 

No internal decorations of a combustible nature (e.g. polystyrene, cotton wool) shall be erected without consent of the bookings manager. 

No decorations are to be put up near light fittings or heaters 

The Hirer shall ensure that any electrical appliances brought by them to the premises and used there shall be safe, in good working order, and used in a safe manner in accordance with the Electricity at Work Regulations 1989.

If there is an outbreak of fire the Fire Brigade shall be called immediately.

In the event of a fire, the Hirer is to ensure the safe exit of all persons under their care through the available fire exits, and to assemble at the fire assembly point.

The fire assembly point is at the furthest extent of the playpark next to ‘Colin’s Bridge’, which crosses the brook.

Additional Items:

The Hirer shall ensure that its activities including vehicle movements do not cause any nuisance to other users of the adjacent car park.

Any facilities may only be used when in a fit condition and any decision as to the condition of the facilities by the DRA shall be final and binding.

Persons leaving any item in the facilities do so at their own risk.

The Hirer shall comply with all other reasonable requests and directions made by the DRA in respect of it use of the facilities.

The DRA shall have the right to terminate the Hire Agreement at any time. 

The Hirer is asked to report any rubbish left, or damage to the space, to the DRA bookings manager.